Title: Road of Hope Fandom: Tennis no Oujisama Author: Emi-san Pairing: Ibu Shinji/Kamio Akira Theme: The Seven Deadly Sins - Pride Word Count: 100 Rating: G Author's Note: First attempt at pairing, unbetaed. Didn't turn out the way I wanted, but ah well, enjoy.
Title: Saligiare 1/7 Author: Misanagi Theme: Seven Deadly Sins - Pride Rating: NC17 overall Pairing: 3x4 Warnings: Angst. Summary: About decisions, right and wrong, and the path they build. Thanks a lot to Anne for the beta.
Title: Pride Author/Artist: hostilecrayon Theme: Seven Deadly Sins: Pride Rating: G Author's Note: Hikaru POV. Future AkiHika. How I managed only 257 words, I don’t know. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep them that short… we’ll see…